# Initialize a new module.
go mod init example.com/hello
# Run the current directory.
go run .
# Update and cleanup go.mod.
go mod tidy
# Format all files in directory and subdirectories.
go fmt ./...
# Check for possible logic errors in directory and subdirectories.
go vet ./...
# Run tests (in files that end with _test.go).
go test
go test -v
# testing.Short() returns true. Useful for t.Skip()ing long/integration tests.
go test -short
# Generate a platform-specific application.
go build
# Build with specific name.
go build -o output-name
# Install the current application to the Go path.
go install
# Get Go's version.
go version
# Find where the current module would be installed to.
go list -f '{{.Target}}'
# List environment information, including where packages are installed via go get.
go env
# Update go.mod to point a module to a local directory.
go mod edit -replace example.com/greetings=../greetings
# Get an external module and add to go.mod require.
go get golang.org/x/example
# Get dependencies for code in the current directory (already added as an import).
go get .
# Get basic test coverage, per file.
go test -cover ./...
# Generate a coverage report by method and function.
go test -coverprofile='profile.out' ./...
# Read the report and output to the command line.
go tool cover -func='profile.out'
# Read the report and output to HTML.
go tool cover -func='profile.out'
# Generate a coverage report with number of times each statement is executed during testing.
# Use -covermode=atomic if running any tests in parallel.
go test -covermode=count -coverprofile='profile.out' ./...