List all files with a particular extension in the current directory and its children, with results sorted by full file name.
Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Filter *.sln -Recurse -File | Select Fullname | Sort-Object Fullname
List the 10 largest files in the current directory and subdirectories.
gci -r | sort Length -desc | select @{n="Length";e={$_.length}}, fullname -f 10
Search Files.ps1
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Include *.item | select-string "<term>"
gci -r -i *.item | select-string "<term>"
gci -r -i *.* -exclude *.dll,*.xml | select-string "<term>"
Search with Git Grep.ps1
# Can only be run within a Git repository, but this will also search untracked files, as well as those that are tracked.
git grep --untracked '<term>'
View a file's contents
Get-Content .\path\to\file.ext
Find path of a binary.
where.exe git.exe
Run git push
on all child folders of the current directory.
gci -Directory | % { Push-Location $_.FullName; git push; Pop-Location }
Get-ChildItem -Directory | foreach { Push-Location $_.FullName; git push; Pop-Location }
Environment variables
Get all environment variables.
dir Env:
Get environment variables at a certain scope.
Get a particular environment variable.
[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("NAME_OF_VARIABLE", "Machine")
[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("NAME_OF_VARIABLE", "User")
Set an environment variable
$Env:NAME_OF_VARIABLE = "value"
Remove an environment variable
View where PSReadLine's history is saved to.
Search PSReadLine's history
Get-Content (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath | ? { $_ -like '*searchterm*' }
View session error information
Get-Error -newest 2
Get-Error -last 2
# Names only
Clear last command from history
Clear-History -Newest -Count 1